Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chapter 82.9: AIG=MESS

A couple quick comments that I expect to expand upon later: From an article I can't recover yet, I read that the people who earned these "bonuses" from AIG were being paid $1 in salary. So let's call these things what they are. They are not "bonuses," they are multimillion dollar salaries. I can understand why folks in the financial world are balking at the government's efforts to quash the use of taxpayer-paid bonuses. In the real world, we have another term for these negotiated deals: Bullshit.

To my ears, this is yet another example of duplicity coming from major financial companies — nose-thumbing at the financially unsophisticated, ignorant public. Not that anyone's asking me, but I have no problem with the administration taking the company to task.

But I also believe that what's happening is the administration is looking to the courts to play the bad guys and determine legally that the bills must be paid while providing political cover for the administration's collective asses. Like I said, more later.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Chapter 82.8: Time Is a Harsh Mistress

Even now, at the end of the day, I feel the time change. Last night I was awake as 2 a.m. instantly became 3 a.m. I don't remember when that last happened.

I know enough about the history of DST, but I can't help but wonder if it's still relevant.

What's your opinion? Should Daylight Saving Time continue?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chapter 82.7: Matt Recommends: It's All Kids Play

As a new father and an old daycamp director, I know something about how important keeping a child entertained can be. That's one of the reasons I was so eager to check out the new Website It's All Kids Play, which is free to all. Created by Canadian writer (and fellow Agent Query denizen) Jean Oram, the site boasts more than 700 cheap (even free!) things to do when the kids whine, "I'm borrrrrred!"

Of course, many of the ideas are well known by children everywhere. (I think I was born aware of how to make armpit farts, for example. Though I suppose my brothers may have had a hand in teaching me.) But I suspect most American kids don't know about curling, and I didn't have a recipe for Glop.

There are too many sections to review at one sitting — and where's the fun in that? — but the navigation bar is blissfully intuitive. For those who need things even simpler, there's also a site map. Actually, the site map provides a handy source to get the RSS feed.

Not to be missed is the related blog, which includes a tip of the day. Today's was an ice cream sundae. Sorry, folks. I've got to go. I just had an idea.

While I'm gone, check out It's All Kids You and your kids will be happy you did. ... Now, where did I put the chocolate syrup?