I've decided that rather than feel guilty about not writing much of anything for this blog, I'll press pause. At some point, I'm sure the little icon/screensaver will start moving around, or something of that nature, but eventually I'll shake things around again and refill my coffee cup.
By no stretch of the imagination, however, am I giving up blogging. I'm not as active as I want to be at The Elephant's Bookshelf, but it's kinda where I live in terms of blogging these days. When I post comments on other blogs, that's the URL I type in. When I tell people about where I blog, that's the site I point them to. You can reach me there at elephantsbookshelf@gmail.com. And if you'd like to continue to read what I have to say about reading, writing, and writers, then I would love to see you there.
Indeed, come. Maybe we can chat over a cup of coffee.