Monday, August 22, 2005

Chapter 39.55: Catching Up

Maureen and I visited my parents yesterday, and I read them the first two chapters of the novel. I chose that amount because it would only be about 20 or so pages, though I could have brought the third chapter as well, which is only a few pages long. Yet, if I had taken three chapters, I might not have noticed that the story doesn't really move until the third chapter, which involves a dream that sets up the first half of the book. Having taken only two chapters and reading them aloud, I soon discovered how problematic my opening is. So my decision is clear to me: I need to rework the opening chapters.

My goal remains to seek out an agent before the end of the year, but the fall will be busy with many different things to write and trips to make. I see a busy Saturday ahead of me, too, and I'd like to add the early chapter re-write into the mix. It may be put aside for deadline-related items.

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