Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chapter 54.2: The World Changes (Mundane)

I messed up the world this morning. Things changed, and I had a hand in it. I walked up the wrong side of the street and noticed signs I'd never read. People were dancing and prancing, doing exercises; I'd never seen that gym from the sidewalk before. A man delivering Arizona Iced Tea on a dolly dropped cases of glass that crashed and splashed on the concrete. "Fuck!" he screamed. (On the streets of New York, go figure!)

Maybe 15 seconds later a little girl defied her father, complaining that her brother -- who was a step or two ahead of them both -- got away with too much. "But Sarah?" her father said. I walked on; this is a domestic case. I went into the deli and ordered oatmeal instead of the egg sandwich. Better for the cholesterol levels, I decided.

"Oatmeal?" the cashier asked?


"Anything on it?"


"Dollar fifty."

I spilled some oatmeal when I opened the container. And the oatmeal was bland and mucky. I poured two sugars into it to give it some flavor. I should have gotten raisens at the deli, but I was too cheap. Some things never change.

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