Saturday, December 06, 2008

Chapter 81.2: Return of the Prodigal Blogger

I have returned. I'm not sure how frequently I'll be able to blog here (or at the Elephant's Bookshelf, for that matter), but I do want to try to get back to writing at least one post per week.

Even today, I'm slipping a quick five minutes in to write here. Most of November's writing time was taken by National Novel Writing Month, which ended up as a productive failure for me. As you can see from the little do-dad to the right, I didn't quite reach 16,000 words. I've added a little since December started, but mostly what I've done with the new novel is organize it better and think about where the story goes from where it is now.

One other reason I haven't blogged lately is because I don't have much that I want to tell the world at large. My brain has been more on things closer to home. While this isn't a wildly traversed plot of cyberspace, I do average 1,500-2,000 hits a month, so I don't need to share everything with everyone. And the things I might share, no one else really wants to hear.

I just dodged a call from a chimney sweep offer ... what else is new?

The Christmas shopping is essentially done, there's still work to do around the house before the big day arrives, and I'm completely swamped at work. I'm sure I'm not alone in those types of situations.

So I say, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. You'll see me dropping off bloggy presents from time to time before the new year begins, but until then, be well!

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