Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chapter 83.4: A Few Moments Alone

The classical music has soothed the savage babies. The wife is out for an hour or so. And the coffee still tastes good. I will try to keep from wasting too much time from the one day when I can accomplish something on my own.

Later, in between diapers and bottles, I'll mow the lawn, which has grown once again to jungle lengths. Till then, however, I'll enjoy the skirl of the cicadas and crickets from my air conditioned home — pushing back the annoying question of how I'll pay for such amenities — and see what else I can accomplish in the time allotted.

How's your day?


Unknown said...

Today was bittersweet. After church, I harvested tomatoes, eggplants, a pepper, and a pepper from our community garden while my wife made lunch. Then we took the kids to the community pool, where we enjoyed a great time on its last day of the summer.

Matt Sinclair said...

I suppose the bitter is the closing of the pool, because the rest of your day certainly sounds sweet. Blissful, even.

I enter the steamy workweek feeling like I accomplished a few things over the past two days. It's amazing the sense of accomplishment when you include fewer things on the list!

Matt Sinclair said...

Know anything about pumpkins, Dave? We discovered that we have an unexpected pumpkin patch growing on the side of our house. I'd love to have a homegrown pumpkin or two for the girls' first Halloween.