Monday, December 06, 2004

Chapter 27: The Emergence of Blogs

I've gotten pretty well sick of reading other people talk about how ubiquitous blogs have become and how they're basically useless as marketing devices.

To me, a Web log is different than a Web site. I view blogs as an electronic journal of thoughts, quickly typed, often shoddily edited (if at all) and based on opinion. A corporate Web site should be an extension of the company; a blog should be an electronic extension of the person. Semantic distinctions of corporate vs. corporeal aside, I don't care if a blog isn't an effective marketing device. Furthermore, if it is a successful marketing device, in my opinion it's not a blog, it's a Web site.

Just as a writing journal kept bedside is not a book, neither is a blog a marketing device. The bloggers that attract attention to their opinions, that's fine. But would they spout off their thoughts if there weren't readers? I know I would. I do. Those that wouldn't, good riddance.

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