Thursday, December 30, 2004

Chapter 29.5: Crash Goes 2004

For weeks I've felt like 2004 was already done. I haven't written 2005 on any checks yet, but as far as I'm concerned this year should be flushed and forgotten. Today I've experienced the perfect metaphor for 2004. From the time I got into the office at 8:30, the day has been pointless. My archaic Mac crashed three times before 9:30, and another five or six before I started typing this entry to close the day. I don't know if it suggests that I have no more metaphoric memory left for 2004 or I'm in desperate need of repair or perhaps I'm just falling apart. Maybe it's all three.

The time has come to say goodbye to a year that began with such promise and ends in stops and starts and restarts. The tragic tsunami of last week is still too painful and new a wound to the earth to serve as a metaphor. Yet, I can't help wondering if it's time to just wash away 2004. I think it's time for a beer or a nice scotch.

For those 10-12 readers out there (if that many), I pray your new year is wonderful and full of promise. Aim high but not so high that you come crashing down upon yourself.

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