Sunday, February 13, 2005

Chapter 32.1: Job Well Done

Yesterday I participated in a career couseling event at my alma mater. It's been 15 years since I graduated, and the school has changed a lot. New buildings, new rules, but from what I could tell it still attracted intelligent, active students.

I was energized by their questions, and listening to them ask questions about life in the "real world" made me long for when I was back in school.

I sat on a panel of other liberal arts majors. Hopefully, I gave them a perspective they valued. I know I was happy to offer my perspectives. As someone who hasn't been an instant success (and whether I'm a success now is debateable), I think I had something of value to say. I've driven a school bus, I've bartended, and I've pursued my dreams. What I lack in financial reward, hopefully I've gained in experience and stories.

To those kids preparing to hit the streets, I say good luck. I hope my 60 minutes of participation in your future help.

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