Sunday, February 27, 2005

Chapter 32.6: Closing In

Just a few words for those few who care about my novel (other than me, of course). As of close of writing today, I've reached 378 pages. Since my goal was to finish the book in February, it's safe to say that won't be accomplished unless the predicted snowfall is enough to close my office tomorrow and for me to be inspired for the remaining hours that my four or five chapters will entail. More likely is that I'll finish by mid-March. The first draft will be done before Opening Day. I'm just closing up a few remaining threads at this point. The climactic moments have occurred; we're in denouement at this point.

In other comments: Maureen and I were happy to see that Zach Braff won an Independent Spirit Award for "Garden State" this weekend. Aside from sounding like Kermit the Frog onstage, he seemed to handle the accolades well. But he didn't win for "Best First Screenplay." Oh well, better luck next time on that one ;-)

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