Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chapter 50: Taking One for the Team?

I've not yet read any articles about it, but apparently Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) commented that our soldiers are "stuck in Iraq" as a result of President Bush's policies. I've noticed that he's taking a lot of heat for it, but at my first blush, I wonder if he's essentially returning the nation's focus to the president, where Republicans are particularly vulnerable right now, in order to deflect anything away from the senate and house races that might hurt Democrats. Perhaps it's only a way for Kerry to keep in the public eye during an election in which he's not running for anything. Either way, short of an outrageous and almost instantaneously proven allegation, my mind is already made up on my local elections.


Matt Sinclair said...

After actually reading one article about the comment, Kerry sounds like an idiot. He's probably just ruined any chance he had for getting serious consideration for the 2008 presidential nod -- as though losing once wasn't enough.

Matt Sinclair said...

The botched joke is John Kerry.

Matt Sinclair said...

According to the New York Times, Kerry was "supposed" to have said: “Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.”

In my opinion, that's not any better than what he said -- and possibly worse. Fool!