Sunday, December 31, 2006

Chapter 54.07: Resolve and Reserve

I'm one of those who makes resolutions -- or rather, I set goals. Sometimes I achieve them (for example, I intended to read at least two books a month on average, and I came close to doubling that goal), sometimes I fail (e.g., finishing the latest re-draft of my novel).

I have resolutions already -- which I don't need to go into here. But I think the resolution that makes the most sense is to be safe. This year has been pretty good for me -- busy but successful. But looking at these final days, I'm seeing ominous signs for the new year. This morning, I was on a first aid call for an attempted suicide. Not a pretty scene. Then I found out that a friend of mine lost her home yesterday in a fire. I don't know whether these will be blessings in the guise of grief, but I have a feeling that 2007 will be a year of tumultuous change. I pray it is a safe one for us all.

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