Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chapter 85.5: New Look

I'm not the fickle type. I tend to look the same day in day out. No purple hair on Tuesdays and red on Friday. Just increasing specks of salt among the pepper.

But I've been growing bored with the look of this blog, so when Blogger offered a few new design, I dove into this one. It may change again soon. Let me know what you think. Like it? Does it suck? Do you want me to spring for a more professional looking blog?

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment box below. I'll post them.


BobSinc said...

I think you might like to try purple, then green hair. That would stir things up a bit. Wonder how the girls would react.

Matt Sinclair said...

I'll take that under advisement ;-)