Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Chapter 32.65: Less Than a Week?

I'm starting to get excited. I was closer to completion on the novel than I had realized. Tonight I consolidated two small chapters that were unwritten into one. And when I looked at what was left, I discovered I only had two, perhaps three, chapters left to write. I should be able to do that this week.

I have more than 116,000 words right now and a lot of revision to do, but I'm just talking about the first draft. I expect to cut whole scenes -- perhaps entire chapters -- when I delve into the messy copy I've composed. I will need to add detail and trim the "telling" that pervades too many chapters of the book.

I've recognized themes that will need exploration, minor characters that need to either become notable or die off altogether.

One thing that's hard to describe, however, is the feeling of anticipation when the story seems to be coming together: the end is near. By April I'll be well into revision.

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