Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Chapter 63.4: Albatross!

So, President Bush has commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby. I think that tells us that the president knows he has limited power and is in his lame duck period. And this will be one more nail in President Bush's legacy coffin.

The president's decision was praised by conservatives for his decision, and vilified by Democrats. But I'd like to know what other Republicans say about this. What's Arlen Specter's opinion in this matter? He's the former chair of the senate judicial committee, what does he think? I've not read enough stories to determine whether he's been interviewed, but he certainly wasn't the first of the Republicans to advance an opinion.

The president has another albatross around his neck. It's not as big as Iraq or Katrina, but in some ways it's a worse thing to be remembered for; it could be argued that he flouted judicial authority, thumbed his nose at the system. Does he even care anymore?

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