Saturday, December 08, 2007

Chapter 70.5: Mickey Mouse Trial

Oh, the things we lose when television writers are on strike! You may not have heard about this, because Letterman, Leno, and Jon Stewart don't have people putting words in their mouths currently, but Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were issued summonses to appear in court in Italy.

No, they have not been accused of any terrorist act or mooning unsuspecting children from the back of an Alfa Romeo. They were asked to defend themselves in a case of a Chinese man who allegedly counterfeited their images. The man is accused of peddling toys with the images of the Disney characters. (Note, the image used above is not one of those being peddled. But it was so disturbing, I just had to borrow it to illustrate the point that unauthorized usage of cartoon characters can be dangerous.)

Mickey and the Donald were expected to appear yesterday; apparently someone didn't realize they are fictional characters. (I can picture it now: "But your honor, I met them both when I took my children to Disney World last year!") No word yet on what the hell Goofy was doing.

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