Thursday, May 13, 2004

Chapter 1: Thinking out loud

Welcome to all readers.

This is my first attempt at entering the blog universe. It won't be much of a step, either. A mere sniff of the ether.

I haven't decided yet what will be posted here. Presumably there'll be a focus on my writing: the full-time job with The NonProfit Times and the various fiction and freelance efforts I have underway. I'll also include a link to my small AOL home page (which could eventually be swallowed up by the blog).

Beyond that, I'll learn as it evolves. My limited understanding of blogs will grow and I'll determine how much of my opinion and my interests I want to expose for consumption. There's enough indigestible dross in the world already.


Matt Sinclair said...
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Matt Sinclair said...

In case anyone cares, the post that was deleted was what became chapter 1.5. I named it that because it really doesn't feel like a new step from the first one. The weekend should change that.