Friday, May 28, 2004

Chapter 5.1: beers in

Ok, I'm into my third beer of the weekend and skimming a few other blogs and recognizing that my sense of humor is nowhere to be seen in my little jot of the blogosphere. I can make all sorts of excuses (which should be one of my "interests" -- excuse making) but I think it has to do with writing these inane little snippets of sheisen while I'm at work and in "suburbanized" state. I read it after a couple of beers and it sounds like Mary Fucking Tyler Moore. "Oh it's been raining, but I think the weekend will bring promise." Who the fuck cares?

I think it's far more disturbing that it only took two beers for me to recognize what crap I've been writing. Grammatically correct dreck!

I think my goal right now is to maintain the proper buzz needed to actually accomplish something. Friday of Memorial Day weekend: Get off your ass and start pissing people off!

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