Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Chapter 12.2: Next Challenge

For what it's worth, I'm glad Sen. Kerry chose Sen. Edwards on the ticket. I'm looking forward to a debate between Vice President Cheney and Sen. Edwards, though I doubt it'll show much about policy and will be more of character assassination attempts from both sides. Political theater at its best!

Personally, I'm not sure which is more dangerous, a crafty veteran pol like Cheney who will stand at nothing to attack an opponent, or a trial-tested lawyer who is considered a gifted speaker, quick on his feet, and sharp of mind who really has little to lose.

Obviously, the next few months will be where the election is won or lost. I expect it to be as tight, electorally, as it was in 2000. One state could be the difference yet again. Personally, I think that state could be Ohio with its 20 electoral votes. But there's much more to see.

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