Friday, March 02, 2007

Chapter 57.4: Spring!

That darn groundhog may have been right! As I was taking the garbage to the curb last night -- dodging raindrops -- I smelled it. Spring! It was in the air. There was a sweetness I'd almost forgotten. No, not the garbage. Before I even grabbed the green can and dragged that dripping tub to the road, I smelled the distinct aroma of life and energy emerging from dormancy. It enlivened me. I got a woody. (No, not really. I thought it would be funny.) And with the weather forecast saying there'll be warmth after the torrent of rain that I went to work in this morning, I couldn't help but feel that today will be a good day. Thank God, and thank that varmint from Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

Matt Sinclair said...

All right, it's kinda cold now on Sunday morning. Yesterday was beautiful, but I'm ready to string that stupid groundhog up on a tree.