Friday, April 13, 2007

Chapter 59.95: For the Eternally Young and Easily Riled

I still intend to write more on Kurt Vonnegut, but in the meantime I'll let this opinion piece in the New York Times whet your whistle.
He says not only what no one is saying, but also what — as a mild young person — you know it is forbidden to say. No one nourishes the skepticism of the young like Vonnegut.

And this remembrance by Harvey Wasserman also conveys some wonderful insights to the writer, including this very personal memory:
He and I met [at a speech in Columbus, Ohio] many years ago. ... Not knowing me from Adam, he was gracious enough to give me his home address.

Out of the blue, I sent him a book-length poem about the passing of my parents. I was shocked when he called me on the phone about it. I asked for his help in finding a publisher. He said to publish it on my own, and gave me advice on how to do it, along with a blurb for the cover.

From then on we talked by phone. His conversation was always friendly, funny, insightful. When last I asked him how he was, he replied: "Too fucking old!"

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