Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Chapter 8: It's the heat and the humidity

Not much to say this time, which probably means I shouldn't write anything. A busy night tonight, with a softball game to play, three miles to run, a few pages to write, and possibly a traveling brother to house (in a hopefully clean house). Plus, I'd intended to call a friend to help with our washing machine. Obviously I need to prioritize.

If I were sensible, I'd understand that I'll be running on a softball field so I might not need to do it on the streets of Springfield in 85 degree heat. That makes the most sense, but I'd like to run. Perhaps what I should do is simply run after the game, decked out in reflective gear. But I've still not heard back from my brother Mike as to whether he needs our home for the night or not. Bob indicated Mike was likely to stay at his sister-in-law's, which makes sense since they're west of here. For some reason I think I'll be adding a note in my list of "flimsy excuses for not writing."

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