Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Chapter 30.8: Keeping Options Open

If John Kerry does indeed vote against our future Sec. of State, I think it's another indication that he's seriously considering running for president again in 2008. It would seem that he's learned his lesson of appearing to support the war by voting to authorize funding. By voting against Rice, who reportedly parroted much of President Bush's stances throughout her confirmation hearing, Sen. Kerry can legitimately claim his opposition to the administration's Iraq policy in the president's second term. Of course, there's a lot more living to come before anyone declares their candidacy. But coupled with Sen. Kerry's trip to Iraq at the beginning of the month (while a fellow senator challenged the electoral college vote), I think any speculation about his intentions to run would be well founded.

He certainly won't be the only one. I'm intrigued by the positioning of Vice President Cheney, who has gotten more involved in domestic policy (www.nytimes.com -- a story that appeared on 1/18/05). I find it hard to believe a monotonous speaker who's had several heart attacks might actually consider running for president, but he's got proven ability and credibility. Some might argue he's already proven he can do the job. I expect Sen. John McCain will decide he's too old to run in 2008, but that's obviously his decision to make. And Even Newt Gingrich's name has appeared in the news more often in the past month than I noticed perhaps in the year prior.

The game is afoot.

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