Thursday, April 21, 2005

Chapter 34.4: Moving Right Along

Since the Mets were bad enough to watch with the mute on last night, I got a bit further along on my edits. I'm now in the 160s and I was pleased to find one critical scene wasn't as bad as I feared it might be. I think there's enough tension and humor trying to break the tension, which is what I was looking for there. The deeper tension of the book has begun, after the initial problems have been established. I might need to cull back the earlier material more than I already have. That'll be determined within my wife's reading. I'm looking forward to that almost as much as I was looking forward to finishing the first draft. I'll have edited more than 200 pages by the end of this weekend, and I think I might be through the book by the end of April. But this will be one of many readings of the same novel this year.

By the way: for those loyal Coffee Cup readers (and there's more than I realized), thanks for your recent email communiques. Feel free to make any suggestions about odd stories you think I'd enjoy.

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