Monday, May 28, 2007

Chapter 61.25: A Pleasant Time Was Guaranteed for All

For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there was a wonderful weekend. And it's not yet complete. I spoke with each of my siblings -- met with my brothers and their respective spouses -- and had a thoroughly pleasant time. I rarely get a chance to have a two-day weekend, and I took full advantage of having three days.

We saw the third enstallment of the Pirates of the Caribbean on Sunday night. If you enjoy the franchise, do yourself a favor; see it in the theater. Some of its weirdness -- and there's a lot of strange scenes -- would be lost on the small screen. It's not a great film -- or trilogy for that matter -- but it's fun. And Keith Richards did a great job in his limited role.

Ok, I'm off to sleep soon, but I want to say thank you to those who played softball with me this weekend. It was a lot of fun and we're making things difficult for league management. Hey, wait a second; that's me!

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