Monday, September 18, 2006

Chapter 49: Finally!

The first of four steps has been completed: The Mets are the champions of the National League Eastern Division.

The Braves, who won 14 division titles from 1990 through last year (none awarded in 1994; they were behind the Expos when the strike killed the season), deserve to be recognized for being great champions for all those years -- including the ones in which they played in the NL West.

What's next? Too soon to say, but I think the Mets have a lot of flying in their future. The Wild Card will not likely come from the West (either the Dodgers or the Padres, though the Giants still have a shot); I don't expect the Reds to come back. And if the Phillies or even the Marlins went on a late-season tear, the Mets would still be flying, as they can't compete against their own division in the first round.

Bring on the challengers!

Lets go Mets!


Anonymous said...

Oh no, say it aint so Pedro. Clemens/Pettite/Oswaldt vs El Duque/Glavine/Trachsel or Maine is a real possibility. Better hope the offense does not have a few off days in a short series. The Mets seem flat right now and Pedro's status does not provide the type of spark the mets were hoping when he took the mound.

Prediction: Mets lose in the first round in 4 games as a first game loss kills their spirit.

Matt Sinclair said...

Very plausible, except for one thing: the Mets are unlikely (my opinion) to meet the Astros in the Division Series. If Houston gets in, it'll be as the Central champs and will likely play the Western champs. The Mets have clinched home field and will play the wildcard, unless it's the Phils. But I don't think the Phils will make it, despite Ryan Howard's MVP season. I expect to see the Mets play the Dodgers, and they can take them, despite what they showed earlier in September. Duque's pitching well after his rest. Glavine's an experienced performer, but his playoff record is only about .500 -- but who will he match up against? Trax will pitch 2 or 3 innings and make way for Darren Oliver (or perhaps Maine). Overall, not a nice scenario whether they're playing the Dodgers or the Astros. Despite that, I predict Mets to the NLCS in 4.