Friday, November 05, 2004

Chapter 22.3: Cracking Through Egg Harbor

It occurred during the night, when only four members of the custodial staff were there, but an F-16 war plane accidentally shot at least eight large slugs that hit a school in Little Egg Harbor. According to reports, the strafing sounded like feet running across the roof, which is what one of the custodians reported to local police.

I don't want to go too far on this, because I understand that our country's military needs to train and accidents can happen, but how is it that a multi-million dollar vehicle with state-of-the art technology and flown by a trained pilot can make such a potentially awful mistake? This wasn't a map error, according to reports, there was no Taliban wedding service going on at the school (tongue in cheek). This was a plane on a training mission flying in a military air space. A desk inside the school was hit, so thank God no one was sitting in it.

It appears to be a mechanical malfunction. I guess we have to be thankful people didn't die as a result of this mistake. Somewhere in this, I think there exists a metaphor for the current political/economic situation. Military budgets strafe Leave No Child Behind program...

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